Pushpa Raj Koirala
Dr. Pushpa Raj is a Gold-Medalist in MCh Neurosuergery and a MS in General Surgery.He is currently working in WRH as an Neurosurgeon with expert skills.
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Visiting Hours
4:30pm – 6:30pm
NMC NO: 8890
Dr. Pushpa Raj Koirala obtained his high school degree at National School of Science (2001) prior to attending BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (2008). Then he moved to Manipal Collage of Medical Sciences for his MS General Surgery (2016). He even had worked as General Surgeon in Patan Academy of Health Sciences. Now he works as Mch Neurosurgeon in Western Regional Hospital, Pokhara too.
Contributed in various publications like: Neurosurgery Boot Camp: Fundamentals Of Neurosurgery Yangon, Myanmar (February 16 &17, 2019), Neurosurgical Conference: Minimally Invasive and keyhole Neurosurgery Gurgaon, New Delhi (September 2018), Neurosurgical Conference: Neurosurgical Subspecialties in Nepal- Developing possibilities Kathmandu, Nepal (April 6 & 7, 2018) and International Neurosurgical Conference: Neurosurgery in Nepal – International Perspectives Kathmandu, Nepal (April 4-6, 2019).The journal are as: Original Article: Outcome Analysis of Lip meningomyelocele Repair in Children in a tertiary care center in Nepal “Journal of Institute Of Medicine(JIOM)”,Spinal Extradural Arachnoid cyst : Case Report “Nepal Journal of Neurosciences” and Isolated Intraspinal neurenteric cyst mimicking Arachnoid cyst: Case Report Nepal Journal of Neurosciences He had written his thesis in: Comparison between Glasgow coma scale and Glasgow coma scale-pupil reactivity score in predicting outcome in traumatic brain injury patients.
MS General Surgery (MCOMS)
Mch Neurosurgery (Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital)
Doctor’s Services
- MCh Neurosurgeon
Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences
Western Regional Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal (Currently Working) - General Surgeon
Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Nepal
Awards And Honours
Gold Medalist in MCh Neurosurgery (2020)
MCh Neurosurgery
Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital
MS General Surgery (KU)
Manipal Collage of Medical Sciences (MCOMS)
BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), Dharan, Nepal
10+2 (HSEB)
National School of Sciences (NIST)
SLC (Government Of Nepal)
SOS Hermann Gmeiner School